Quality Assurance

The Leaders Mind College Assurance and Scientific Affairs is responsible for guaranteeing and improving the College overall quality and academic standards. The QASA is responsible for supervising and administering different elements of education, research, and scientific activities at university. The Directorate’s key tasks include designing and executing quality assurance policies, performing frequent assessments and evaluations of academic programs, and instilling a culture of continuous development. The Directorate seeks to maintain

Directory Mission

The purpose of our quality assurance Directorate program is to reassure students about the academic standards provided by our College The program’s goal is to foster an atmosphere in which people believe in the education, learning, and research processes of Leaders Mind College higher education system. Our Quality Assurance system assists in maintaining a high quality and developing students in such a way that they meet the criteria of excellence for which international universities are known. Our alumnae are happy to obtain degrees from Leaders Mind College (UTM & UiTM), knowing that they have reached the same level of excellence as franchised universities elsewhere in the world.

The aims and duties of the centre are as below:

The centre carries out interdisciplinary studies in higher education systems and policies. The centre, in the light of global developments, carries out studies to increase competition and quality in higher education institutes, while taking into account the population, social structure and sectorial needs of iraq. The centre develops cooperation in the area of inter-university education-teaching, curriculum, research, publications, student, academic staff and personnel exchange. The centre makes suggestions for policies in every area of higher education, carries out research and offers guidance and education.

uality assurance as started in 2010, its first mission was Pilot Project in March 2010. During (2010-2011) it appeared as a fixed system which includes the below tasks:

  • Established the Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance at Salahaddin University Presidency.
  • Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance at Salahaddin University performs the followings:
  • To run quality assurance meeting and implementing special agenda, this is supervised by the vice chancellor for Scientific Affairs and the head of quality assurance from all colleges.
  • Supervising all relevant affairs of quality assurance at the colleges and responding to all queries and comments.
  • Cooperating with the directorate of quality assurance at the ministry.
  • Delivering all the requirements of the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to quality assurance directorates at the colleges, then collecting the requirements and forward it to MOHE.
  • Writing minutes of meeting, all proposals and comments then forward it to the Ministry after being approved by the Chancellor.
  • Running ‘Assessment Affair’ which is performed by students, this is done by sending special forms for the colleges, then collecting and examining the conclusions and preparing certain database for it.
  • Distributing evaluating form for assessing staff members, head of departments and deans of faculties, then analyzing the conclusion.
  • Arranging external evaluators’ affairs who are invited to evaluate under-performing staff members and assess scientific departments by using specific forms, which is corresponded to quality assurance’s procedures.
  • Arranging constant academics process in every scientific department and providing certain instructions and staff members scientific promotion will be based on annual points.  
  • Running courses for staff members to develop their language and computer skills.
  • Quality assurance process managed appropriately in (2010-2011), assumably, it will be better run to raise awareness towards teaching